
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

Balance pictures

Hi everybody! A balance picture gives  off a feeling of harmony. Today,   I share with you a balance picture and the same picture but without balance  balance picture  Not balance picture
Hi observers and listeners! Today I'm going to tell you about films. What is your favourite film? This is the most difficult question which people ask me. Actually, I can't chose one. But if I had to do it, I would chose . It's "Pearl Harbour" about two pilots during de II World War. I don't know why this film affects me a lot. In a few days I couldn't stop thinking about the film. Also, I love the soundtrack of the film. It's my favourite ⬇️⬇️ https://youtu.be/opP4PcZ7aN4 Talking about directors, my favourite director is Steven Spielberg. He directs really great films like the Schindler's list or Jurassic park. A lot of his films have soundtracks composed by John Williams, one of the best BSO composers ( as you can see, I really like soundtracks) Finally, actors. My favourite actors are Josh Hutcherson, from "the hunger games", Ian Somerhalder, from "the vampire diaries" and Leonardo DiCaprio ( I think everybody know w
Welcome to everybody!. This is my blog, where I'm going to share with you my image and sound works. I hope you like it and remember!: Look at what you hear😉