Hi observers and listeners! Today I'm going to tell you about films.
What is your favourite film? This is the most difficult question which people ask me. Actually, I can't chose one. But if I had to do it, I would chose . It's "Pearl Harbour" about two pilots during de II World War.
I don't know why this film affects me a lot. In a few days I couldn't stop thinking about the film. Also, I love the soundtrack of the film. It's my favourite ⬇️⬇️

Talking about directors, my favourite director is Steven Spielberg. He directs really great films like the Schindler's list or Jurassic park. A lot of his films have soundtracks composed by John Williams, one of the best BSO composers ( as you can see, I really like soundtracks)

Finally, actors. My favourite actors are Josh Hutcherson, from "the hunger games", Ian Somerhalder, from "the vampire diaries" and Leonardo DiCaprio ( I think everybody know who is him.
Josh Hutcherson
Ian Somerhalder

Leonardo DiCaprio

And this is all for today. I'll come back soon😉


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