
I can’t anymore
Pilar Fuentes 2ºA

-Ana(Marta’s best friend): Hi! Are you going to come tonight to the party?

-Marta: eem hi, Of course! What are you going to wear?

-Ana: Well I am between to options (the voice goes to a second plane. Marta doesn’t pay attention, she looks worried, sad)
Are you listening to me?

-Marta: yes, I’m sorry

-Ana: are you ok?

-Marta: yes yes, don’t worry, I am tired . It has been a hard week.

-Ana: That’s true. I am going to take a very long nap tonight jjajajaj. By the way, Are you still going out with Pablo?

-Marta: (sad smile) oh yes, he is a nice guy and he loves me. I don’t know what I would do without him.

-Ana: That’s make me so happy , well I should go to class, see you later! This night Will be the best of our life.

Marta sais Good bye with her hand, She goes to the bathroom ,she washes her face and looks at the mirror. The phone vibrates. Marta unblocks the pone and reads a massage)
At the phone:
-Pablo:  all is your fault. If I weren’t your boyfriend, it wouldn’t be happening.

-Marta: My fault?

-Pablo: It’s always your fault, you have to change

Marta covers his face with her hands and snuffles

This night at the party

Marta arrives to the party and starts to look at everybody, she is sad

-Ana: UAUU, you are so pretty girl (huging her)

-Marta: no prettier tan you.

-Ana: I am going to see if Maria has come.

-Marta: (looks at the phone. 23 messages from pablo)

At the phone:

-Pablo: It seems that it isn’t important to you, I hope you enjoy the party

-Marta goes out and goes to her boyfriend house, running

At Pablo’s house

-Marta knocks the door.

-Pablo: What are you doing here?

-Marta: I want to resolve this mess

-Pablo: what are you going to resolve, you only make worse the situation, I didn’t wan’t to see you.

-Marta : But I didn’t do no…
(he closes the door, Marta  started to cry and to run down the street. She run into Ana and she stop running)

-Marta: I can’t anymore
( her handbag falls down when she goes to hug Ana)
Ana: I am going to help you

( At the mobile phone:
-Pablo: I am so sorry, I love you)

Next week

During the day, Marta is receiving a lot of messages from Pablo ( when she is studyng at the school...

When she is at home, someone knocked the door.

-Pablo : It’s me, please, open the door!

Marta stops in front of then door, thinks a moment, she turns around and smiles

Pablo : I can’t anymore. 


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